NTP stands for Network Time Protocol. It is a protocol or service used to synchronize the clock of your client computers with the clock of a server. The server’s clock is also synchronized with the Internet.
Update Debian package repository
Open up the terminal with root privileges and run the following command to update the package repository.
apt-get update
Install NTP server on Debian
To install an NTP server, run the following command on the terminal.
apt-get install ntp
Restart the NTP server
Run the following command to restart the NTP server.
systemctl restart ntp
To verify whether the NTP service is actually running, execute the following command.
systemctl status ntp
Installing an NTP client
Let us configure the NTP client to be time synced with the NTP server. For this, you have to install the ntpd daemon on the client machine.
apt-get install ntpdate
Installing an NTP on the client
Open up the terminal with root privileges and run the following command.
apt-get install ntp
Configuring the NTP client
Run the following command to open a configuration file in the nano editor.
nano /etc/ntp.conf
Add the following lines,
server prefer iburst
Restart NTP Service
systemctl restart ntp
To check the status, run the following command on the terminal.
ntpq -p